2014 TGFOA WIPF Event - Country Music Hall of Fame

  • October 15, 2014
  • 2:30 PM
  • Departing from Embassy Suites.


  • Fee includes tour of the Country Music Hall of Fame, dinner, and round-trip bus transportation from Embassy Suites Hotel to event.

Please note: if you are a current TGFOA member, please login to auto-populate registration form.

If needed, you can register multiple attendees under a single account. To do so, return to the event registration page after confirming each registration but before paying.
Registration is closed

Stars of Country Fame, Stars in the Sky and Stars on the Street.
Get ready for a fun filled evening with all 3!

Start out with a visit to the Country Music Hall of Fame. Then, have dinner under the stars in the Pinnacle Building on the 7th floor and end your evening strolling through downtown Nashville mingling with local stars.

A bus will be provided for this event.

Please meet at the Embassy Suites main en-trance to board the bus by 2:30 p.m.

Cost of the event will be $35 per person.


Send comments or questions to tgfoa@tngfoa.org

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